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Yoot Shoot Teams & Tee times

All names listed from left to right.

Saturday Tee times are in red.

Sunday's batting order will be determined by your teams performance on Saturday.
(Worst teeing first, best teeing last)

Holes n' Poles Team 1

Defending Champions
Keith "Titanium" Chene, Shelly "Top Shelf" Chene, Kim "Taylor Made" Gomez & Paul "Mr. Lucky" Gomez
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We ain't no Ben-Wa Balls Team 2
The team that is again heavily favored by Vegas Odds.
Brad "Louie Kardanko" Gomez, "Big" Ben Bullen, Darrin "Da Steward" Raley & Rick "Shag me Rotten" Rots
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The Alcoholic Zebras Team 3
We're importing some Old Style 30 packs
Rick "Money" Michels, Rob "Edge" Roy, Randy "Halfshank" Gomez & Mark "The Hammer" Shuttleworth
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The "Dreaded" Drunk Drivers Team 4

The team that drinks the most.
Scott "Bass", Ken "Konstant-tee-off" Kotenko, Rick "budman" Clapham and the infamous Jeff "The Surgeon" Dalmer
Scott BasswpeC.jpg (1366 bytes)wpeB.jpg (1287 bytes)wpeD.jpg (1363 bytes)
Previous drunk drivers per year 95-1 95-2 96-1 96-2  97-1 97-2 98-1

Big Jim & NO TWINS Team 5

C'mon back for year 2 with some veteran Yooters.
Todd "Gooseslayer" Culver, Mark "Snagger" Gomez, Evon "Happy Gilmore" Walker & Jim "Big Daddy" Walker.
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Golfers with Big Balls Team 6

All New for 99'.
Kevin "Aircraft" Carrier, Karen "Ball" Carrier, Terry "Triplet" Dzon & Tina "Porcelain Doll" Dzon
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B.O.B. & The Blackholes Team 7

Is it this weekend?  Where's Rodney?  ahhhhh?! duh!
Jim "BlackholeBobby" Caruso, Kim "Clockcleaner" ????, Jim "TD" Hartfield & Brian "DD" Moebs
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The "One Dimensional Golfers" Team 8

All New for 99'.
Jud "008" Street, Joanna "40 Love" Shea, Tony "The Tiger" and Amy "The Colonel" Saunders.
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The "hey were" Drunk Drivers "too" Team 9

The team that will drink 2nd most, hence the name.
Kevin "The Blade" Kotenko, Gary "Player", Joe "Beachboy" Brinley & Brian "FirstBlood" Rambow.
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Beer/Camera Babes

"We'll keep your beer coming and pictures rolling" Michelle "Budbabe" Clapham & Stephanie "Joe's Babe" Miles
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