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1999 Results

Here are your 1999 Great Northern Yoot Shoot results:

1999 Yoot Shoot Champions: Team #2 "We Ain’t No Ben-Wa Balls"
Brad Gomez, Rick Rots, Darrin Raley, Ben Bullen

The rest of the Yoot Shooters:
Scoring Results

Place Team Sat. Score Sun. Score Total Score
1 #2 We ain't no Ben-Wa Balls 63 66 -15
2 #4 Drunk Drivers 68 65 -11
3 #1 Hole N' Poles 66 68 -10
4 #3 Alcoholic Zebras 66 71 -7
5 #8 One Dimensional Golfers 74 68 -1
6 #9 Drunk Drivers II 71 73 even
7 #7 Bob & the Blackholes 73 70 +1
8 #5 Big Jim minus the twins 76 77 +9
9 #6 Golfers with Big Balls 83 79 +18

Pink Ball Winners: Team #8 "One Dimensional Golfers"
Jud Street, Tony Saunders, Amy Saunders

Pink Ball Winner was determined in putt off at Sugar Springs against Teams #1 & 4.

Saturday Talent Holes:
Closest to the pin hole #5: Shelly Chene
Closest to the pin hole #8: Gary Huitson
Closest to the pin hole #12: Kevin Carrier
Closest to the pin hole #17: Paul Gomez
Longest Drive: Keith Chene
Closest Chip: Jeff "Dalmer" Morris (in the cup!)
Longest Putt: Terry Dzon
Worst Putt: Tina Dzon

Sunday Talent Holes:
Closest to the pin hole #3: Kevin Kotenko
Closest to the pin hole #5: Kevin Carrier
Closest to the pin hole #12: Amy Saunders
Closest to the pin hole #15: Jeff "Dalmer" Morris
Longest Drive: Jeff "Dalmer" Morris
Closest Chip: Jeff "Dalmer" Morris (in the cup again!)
Longest Putt: Jim Caruso
Worst Putt: Kim Gomez

Skin Results:
Saturday: (4) Team #3

(3) Team #2
(2) Team #4

(After further investigation, a mistake was found because 2 teams which did not get in skins had their scores added in skins….team #2 had (1) more, and team #4 had (1) more. REAL NICE! Oh well, it’s too late to collect! You’ll have to beat it out of them)

Sunday (2) Team#2

(2) Team#4
(1) Team#3

(After further investigation, a mistake was found because 1 team which did not get in skins had their scores added in skins….team #2 had (1) more. REAL NICE! We need new skin calculators next year!!!!)



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